Thursday, February 16, 2017

Real Love

Real Love

He loves us. At our best. The days we wake up and read our bibles, spend time in prayer, witness to someone, take notes during bible study, give someone an encouraging word, sing Hallelujah in the car. But what about the days when that doesn't happen? The days when you have 10 minutes to get ready for work and manage to yell at everyone in your house before you rush out the door? Someone at the office irritates you and you think about how funny it would be if they tripped going back to their office? The day when you glare with your hand in the air at the person who cut you off on the road? When you snap at your husband or kids because they forgot to do something you asked? And you manage to check your email 5 times on your phone during bible study instead of highlighting that verse in your bible? Hmmm?? Yep. Guess what? He loves you those days JUST as much.
We need to remember how much grace we are given, when someone else fails us. We fail him daily. We die daily and are given a new fresh start with every breath we take. That kind of love is what I need. That kind of love is not about who did the dishes, who cut us off on the freeway, who remembered our birthday or who greeted us with a smile at church. That kind of love is stained red on a cross, salted in tears wept for my shortcomings, for my mistakes, for my mean spirit and compassion-less attitude, broken with a rusty nail through bone on a hill so many years ago.

We need to strive for understanding of what people carry on their shoulders of things we know nothing about, and show grace, encouragement , compassion, and friendship. That is what real love is. That is what he asks, as the lover of our soul, and we should strive daily to give, show, and be the Love that is Christ in us.

                                 - Written By Robin Nash

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