Friday, December 14, 2018

All That Glitters

During the Christmas season I am thinking of all the wonderful gifts that the Lord has given to me during my lifetime.  Awesome gifts such as His love, salvation, mercy,  grace, children, and a wonderful husband.  It would take a long time to list them all.  I also think about Christmas presents when the children were small; how they would shake them and learn what was in each one before Christmas morning.  I myself am content to wait until the day of Christmas and be surprised.

To be a child and standing there looking at all the pretty packages with shiny paper and pretty bows made it hard not to open them.  You just knew the exact thing you wanted would be there inside the gift that looked so pretty.  The excitement made you feel you would burst if you had to wait any longer.  Then, on Christmas morning the children would run downstairs and open the gifts and their expectations were met. They would jump up and down with joy.  Mom and Dad were so happy to make their dreams come true.

Everyday our Heavenly Father loves giving us gifts.  After all, we are his children.  Sometimes they are wrapped in beautiful wrappings and those are the ones we are attracted to.  For instance, children, friends, the sun, the rain, healings, and so much more.  There are gifts wrapped in not so pretty paper.  Some people have the talent to make a package look beautiful and others may not pay attention to the outward look, but want the gift on the inside to reflect how they feel about you.  Shiny gifts are so alluring while packages that are plain and simple may not be.  Many times, we can be fooled.  GOD does not disappoint us in how he presents the gifts to us.  Shiny or plain, His way is best.  A gift such as children are so beautiful, but being childless doesn’t seem pretty to some people.  We can look at death the same way, or not getting healed.

Our GOD can take the plain simple body and change us into a bright shiny gift for himself.  He wraps us in his love and that is as perfect as it gets.

During and long after the Christmas season, let us look forward to our Heavenly Father unwrapping us and finding all the things He loves.  I know it will make Him happy.

-Written By Linda Tatman