Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dead Things




Dead Things


Several years ago we purchased knock out roses to plant in our front yard.  A friend told me how easy they are to care for and that they bloom at the end of spring and continue blooming several weeks into the fall. I wanted something that would look pretty all summer that would not require too much care and it seemed like the perfect solution.
My friend was right! We have had these knock out roses and each year they color our yard in beautiful red and pink throughout the entire summer and into the fall.  The only real care they are in need of is to be watered daily and every few weeks the dead blooms should be cut off.
Cutting off the dead blooms is not a must to keep the bushes living but if left on the bush the dead limbs just linger and continue to take nutrients from the bush causing new blooms to take a little longer to receive all the minerals they need to actually bloom. The dead blooms turn brown and fill the bush with less than pretty colors. If I leave them my bushes still bloom. They still provide beauty and they do not struggle to survive but when I get out there and cut off all the dead blooms within 48 hours my bushes are absolutely covered with new beautiful and healthy roses with the absence of the brown discolored leftovers that once lived; so I simply cut off the dead things!
During my prayer time and devotions the Lord began to deal with me about cutting off the dead things.  I love God, I love my church, I love my family, I love life! However there are a few things in my life that could have gone somewhat smoother if I had just cut off the dead things.  That toxic friendship that died a long time ago, that dream that just didn’t happen and has been dead for some time now, that prayer that God didn’t answer the way I expected him to may all be dead things that no longer hurt, devastate or hinder my walk with God and yet they hang around and take energy from the things God is doing in my life now.
If we don’t cut the dead things off they may not bring a lot of harm. They may not be hindering our walk with the Lord but they still have the ability to sap energy, joy and confidence in our walk with God because they are still attached to our life in some way. I believe God would say cut them off! I gave you victory over them, so why let them hang around.  Take the time and care to cut the dead things off because it is worth the time and effort to allow the healthy things to flourish to their full potential!

Written By Patty Hollaway

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