Monday, December 16, 2019

An Awesome Christmas

An Awesome Christmas

In 2015, my life was completely changed. I went from pastor’s wife to being a divorcée, a stay-at-home mom to working and going to school. Every aspect of my life was turned upside down. I knew divorce was painful. I just didn’t realize how painful. And it wasn’t just for me, but for my children, church, family, and friends. Chances are it was hard for you, too.

But God. 

You’ve heard my testimony many times and I hope I’m not bothering you by telling it again. I’m just still in awe of the touch of God. I’m still in awe of what God used to minister to my brokenness. I am in AWE.

The Lord used YOU. From every hug and word of encouragement, to all the prayers for me and my children. For the gifts, and for the time and space you gave us to heal—all while you were hurting too. That’s the God we serve and the love He puts in us.

Christmas is a time to be in AWE. For the believer, we see the greatest gift of all—Jesus Christ. Angels heralded His coming to a meek virgin, to a shocked fiancé, to an old priest and soon pregnant wife, to wisemen halfway around the world, and last but not least, to the lowly shepherds in the field. It was AWEsome. God was coming to earth—as a baby! Gifts were brought, songs were sung, and hearts melted at the sheer wonder of it all. Christmas is a time to be in AWE.

This is also a part of my testimony. In the middle of all our pain, our church family reached out with love, cards, and monetary gifts. It didn’t stop our pain, but the love helped ease it. That’s selfless love. That’s CHRISTmas. 

While Christmas is joyous, it can also be an extremely painful time for many. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the change in a family situation, the loss of a job, or broken friendships—lifelong traditions change. And the loss can be felt that much stronger during the festive season. Many share that they wish they could skip the holidays altogether because they are hurting and the holidays magnify their pain. What an opportunity to share the love of Christ!

Just like you ministered to us, I’m hoping to help someone this Christmas. I learned firsthand how the love of my church family eased our pain. Christ alone can heal it. I was given both. What an AWEsome testimony!

Let’s all rally together to make a difference for someone that’s hurting this season. Whether it be lonely, elderly neighbors, the homeless, or someone you know with a loss, give the greatest gift on earth—the love of Christ! You can ease their pain by spending some time with them, sending a card, bringing them a pie, or by giving a little extra money to help those tight spots—ON Christmas—the hardest day of their year.

Let’s make CHRISTmas AWEsome this year ️

-Written By: Tracy Evans

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanks, Thanks, I Give You Thanks

Thanks, Thanks, I Give You Thanks

Is. 61:10, “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.”

Recently I attended the wedding of one of my former Sunday School students. I was taken back to almost twenty years ago when I was the FACD Beginners Class teacher. We would always sing before beginning the lesson.  Katy’s favorite song was always, “Thanks, thanks, I give you thanks for all you’ve done. I am so blessed. My soul is at rest. Oh, Lord, I give you thanks!” As she walked down the aisle to join her groom, tears filled my eyes. I thought, Jesus, I give you thanks that Katy is still walking with you. I could still hear her tiny voice singing loudly and sincerely after all these years.

I give you thanks, Jesus, for a precious church family and pastor who care for us after all these years. We feel their love. Not every new pastor is able to welcome the former pastor to stay. We are blessed!

I give you thanks, Jesus, for my family of seven. We are small, but we all serve the Lord! That is priceless!

I give you thanks, Lord, for the friendships that have been formed over the years, priceless also.

I give you thanks because I am rich, not by the world’s standard, but rich in You!

I give you thanks because I am fearfully and wonderfully made according to Psalms 139:14. David knew this!

The list could go on. The most important thing I give Jesus thanks for is his plan of salvation! Thank you, Savior, for giving your life for not only me, but this world!

Written By: Jeannie Collins

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Road Home

After my mother took a bad fall, I drove up to see her. On the way home, the Lord began speaking to me. I don’t need a GPS to get me home, I don’t really need the landmarks. It’s the place where I grew up from the time I was eight years old. I get on I 270 N. to I 71 N. I get off at Rt. 13 and drive through Mansfield, hit Rt. 250, drive through a few towns until I finally come to Norwalk. I take League St. to Cline St. then make a left onto Spring St. I finally arrive at 52 Spring St. where I grew up.

When I got married, I made the trip once a week on my day off. I love my parents and when they are expecting me, the door is left unlocked, we have made plans for the day, one of them always greet me at the door even though it’s unlocked, and I can just walk in. When I get there, I can go to the fridge and get something to drink or eat if I want. It’s home. When the boys came along the trips became less. Life got busy, kids got sick, money was tighter and on the list went.

I never forgot the way home and there was never a time I was unwelcome, but neither did I get an invitation, direction in the mail, or a call saying we want you to come home. Why? Because I knew the way and I knew I was welcome. It was all on me and the circumstances that surrounded my reasons for not getting home as often. I had to get in the car and go!

My heart is heavy most days over young people who grew up in the church and no longer serve the Lord. I ache over friends I spent time with as a young mother who were serving God right along with me, but no longer come to church. I have often prayed and asked the Lord what will it take to get these people I love to come back to you?

It was during this particular drive home when the Lord spoke. They know the way home. They don’t need a Bible study, they know the Word. They don’t need an invitation, they know they are welcome.  They don’t need direction, they know the way all too well. They left for all different reasons. Maybe they had a fight with a brother or sister, maybe they were hurt by a happening, some just got side tracked, busy, disinterested, and the list goes on.

The Lord showed me a lot of similarities between going back home to family and coming back home to the family of God. A card in the mail will remind that child who is no longer serving the Lord that they are thought of. A phone call inviting them to a special service would be like making plans for a full family gathering and getting the information to all the siblings for a holiday dinner. A visit would be a nice gesture to reinforce the backslider that she is loved.

What really needs to happen is the child must come to a place where she wants to come home! She knows the way, she’s been there many times, many years. She has to put the past events, hurts, anger, complacency, or whatever it is that is keeping her away aside and decide I want to go home and be with my family. I want to make things right with my father and be ready to meet him. When she walks through the door, the brothers and sisters must be ready to greet her, love her, and make sure there are no grudges held, no anger harbored, and we must be ready to help her get connected again because, after all, we are family and we must take care of one another.

She knows the way home!

-Written By: Patty Hollaway

Monday, August 5, 2019



It’s hard to see others in their spring time when you’re still in a season of winter. Everyone is in their different stages spiritually, mentally, physically. There are no two people with exactly the same story. It may be hard to relate, or unfortunately, even be joyful for a friend or family member during their time of happiness when you are still in the middle of a trial or something that is just difficult in your life. Even though God’s word tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice, I am very saddened by the times when I allow my own feelings of jealousy and bitterness to overtake my attitude towards those I love most. I was reminded this week of a verse in Ecclesiastes (3:1)... “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”. Everyone is not in the same season at the same time and not everyone experiences the typical events that are expected to happen during a particular season. I am so thankful to know that seasons don’t last forever; however, they may last beyond what we expect them to. Ideally, we expect the first day of spring to be filled with warm sunshine, perfect 70 degree weather, and newly blooming flowers. But sometimes we reach what is supposed to be “spring” and are only met with ice and snow and dead plants and trees. When we think the time is right to receive this answer and this healing and this deliverance, but we only hear silence and feel cold. If we’re not careful, we can leave our dreams and promises to die in the winter season. It’s so hard to remind yourself that better, greater things are coming, but it’s easy to say why even bother planning, preparing, dreaming, or hoping, when it’s still cold and feels like it will be forever. But there is hope and a promise that is coming and will one day be received when the seasons change. There is faith in preparation and hope in expectation.  I once heard a preacher say “God cannot ignore faith.” And this is true. The waiting is hard, the trials come, and it’s hard to remember what is coming. But when you prepare and believe for what will come to pass, you will not be forgotten or ignored. So thank God for that quiet, cold season, and use that time to find Him and hear His voice.

-Written By: Holly Tibbs

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Mother's Heart

Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you...
                                  When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God...

We’ve all heard this song at Christmas time. I used to sing along and occasionally wonder if Mary did indeed know, but then go about my business. Around Christmas of 2013, the words came alive to me. That was the year I was pregnant with my first baby. We always wonder what our children will be like, look like, and do as they get older.  Will they be a soul winner, preacher, teacher, etc.? I’m sure Mary had these thoughts, too! 

Daily, I pray over my babies numerous times and I pray, dear God, not only do I want my babies to be good people, I want them to have a heart for you, to have a love for others like you. While praying, this song sometimes enters my mind. And I think, I know my babies are going to do great things. I don’t know what they are, but I can’t wait to see it, and I’m expecting it. Can you imagine Jesus as a baby and child? Was he a perfect, obedient child? Or was he at times a tad ornery or not always nice to his siblings? Did he get into trouble? I mean, did Mary put Jesus in time out? Did she ever say, “You do not want to make me stop this donkey!!” It is funny to think about! 

As mothers, we know our babies (no matter how old they are, they are always our babies) are going to do great things. We have hopes and dreams for them. It is our responsibility to shape and mold them from the home front to have love and faith. It is our burden and blessing to teach them to love God with all their hearts and to serve Him with all their being. To make sure they mind their manners, play nice, show respect, have fun, are healthy, are not psychopaths, or murderers, and to keep them alive. It is a daily burden I know I carry for my children. Children are a blessing. Psalms 127:3 (NLT) “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”. I applaud the mothers who carry this burden and I believe God will honor our prayers and tears. 

I encourage mothers to keep praying and carrying a burden for your children all their days, even when they fall away from God. And this includes ladies who encounter children’s lives. This includes Sunday School teachers, relatives, members of church. If you are a female and children are in your life, you have an impact on their lives and should carry a burden for their spiritual well-being. Not everyone who wants to is able to have their own earthly children, and my heart aches for you and I pray the Lord gives you peace. But you still play a piece in others’ lives in the time you share with them. When you teach the lesson in kids’ classes or you speak to a child in passing, do you ever wonder what this child will be when they grow up? Do you ever think can I say or teach them something that is going to light a spark in their heart to be a missionary and reach hundreds, maybe thousands, for the Lord one day? Will they one day teach Bible Studies to reach all their school friends? What wonders and miracles will this child see with God working through them? 

I pray as a mother that we all have a mother’s heart and love for the children around us. Let us remember the powerful love of a mother, so powerful that God uses it as a metaphor for His love for us. “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” – Isaiah 66:13 (NIV) 

-Written By Rindy Spann

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Taking Advantage

Taking Advantage

2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV  Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

I think all of us have had people take advantage of us at one time or another.  Sometimes we let others take advantage.  We believe people we know and love wouldn’t possibly hurt us in anyway.

Many times, we have been deceived by people we think have our best interest at heart, but we find out they were only thinking of themselves.

I am sure banks have heard many stories of why someone hasn’t paid back the money on a loan.

Christ has given so much to us, not just a loan, but for keeps.  His Love, Grace, Salvation, and eternal life with Him.  In return, He only asks to be obeyed and for us to serve Him.  Sometimes we use GOD as a bank.  We go to Him asking for healing, counseling, love, or a shoulder to cry on, and He gives it.  Then Satan comes along and whispers to us, “You are fine now.  You can do things on your own.”  The scriptures tell us how the devil deceived the children of GOD.  Eve, for one, took advantage of GOD and His goodness.  She had been warned of the consequences of disobedience.  How many times have we disregarded God's warnings about sinning, but we buy into the world’s view of GOD?  He is an ATM Machine.  Go to Him, get what we want, and there will be more when we need it.  After all, we have the card and the knowledge to just help ourselves.  Do we ever think of what it took to be free to ask GOD for help?  He gave HIS life and HIS blood to have what we need when we need it.  Taking advantage of someone else to serve ourselves is a one-sided relationship.  When Satan comes to you and tells you you don’t need GOD and he can give you what you need, tell him he doesn’t have your password to rob you of all GOD has available for you.  That password is Love, and satan doesn’t have any idea what the word means.  Don’t be deceived, trust in GOD and know He only has good things for you and would never take advantage of you.  You have His word on it.  It is even in writing – written in blood!

Written By: Linda Tatman